Saturday, April 28, 2012


Hello! XD It's been a long time ever since I updated with pictures. I don't have any pictures that I took because sigh... Exams and more exams. I'm supposed to be studying now, but nothing can go inside of my head. I decided to take a short break.

Yesterday, I managed to study a bit and I realised that people like to not reply my msg, all at the same timing. It got a bit irritating after days and days. I was like, FINE IF THAT'S WHAT YOU WANT, YOU SHALL GET IT. Okay, I was supposed to be on my silent mode these few days, but I can't go silent enough. I'm feeling damn sick yesterday and couldn't really study much and get anything inside my head but I still did. Maths is done, but I left chemistry. Chemistry is like super important to me every year, I only can score well in that subject, it is my only hope since my POA is like shit nowadays, thanks to my teacher. XP Okay, never mind. I'm feeling unwell once again. I don't feel like doing anything today except for resting but my exams! Ahhh, why must I feel so unwell right now?! I just hope everything will be fine, and my results will turned out fine as well. I will not rush through my questions this time round like what I always did. This is why I am always the first few who finished my paper first and have a lot of mistakes! Ahhhh, must read through the questions carefully ONE BY ONE. XD.

P.S/: I hate people not replying my msg and not explaining why after LONG hours, it is just damn irritating. If you do that to me, bye. XD


Jingwen, I will always be here for you to support you as a friend. Stay strong, XD

 Almost the same pose, but still got different de lorh! My hair is in a mess, so have to throw it to the side, ;sigh. CAMWHORE! These two pictures of myself, haha XD. Long time ever since I camwhore with my phone since it has totally no effects, and that sucks a lot! I cannot camwhore nice nice :(

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